Good site. One that I hadn't seen before will shop again
- Allows night time viewing
- Designed to concentrate heat in a small, local area
- Available in 50, 75, 100 & 150 Watts
The HabiStat Red Night Spotlamp allows you to heat your night active animals and be able to observe their night time activity.
A reptile red night spotlamp will provide an intense beam of light and heat which the animal can quickly warm itself.
Designed to concentrate the heat in a small local area and is not designed to heat the whole vivarium. The lamp wattage should be chosen to match the appropriately rated holder, the size of enclosure, type of animal being heated and the temperature required.
A Dimming thermostat should always be used to control the temperature.
Available in 50, 75, 100 & 150 Watts.
E27 Fitting
🚚 Free Standard Delivery when you spend £79*
- 2-3 Working Days
- £3.99 on smaller orders
*timescales are estimates, excludes orders containing palletised/frozen products
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