Good site. One that I hadn't seen before will shop again
- 100% natural
- Designed to create perfect planted terrariums
- Ideal for creating bioactive setups
- Added activated carbon works to balance out the Ph levels
- Packed in 100% recyclable and biodegradable paper bags
Habistat Jungle Bio Substrate is a natural eco system designed to provide perfect conditions for a thriving plant terrarium. Added activated carbon works to balance out the Ph levels.
A specially selected variety of natural ingredients, packed with nutrients to aid plant growth, we recommend using in conjunction with a base layer of Amazon Clay Balls to provide drainage and a natural filtration system.
Our range of HabiStat substrates are packed in 100% recyclable and biodegradable paper bags.
Available in two sizes: 10L and 25 Litre bag.
Directions for use: Add live isopods like springtails, worms, millipedes and woodlice to break down organic waste and create a natural biotope.
🚚 Free Standard Delivery when you spend £79*
- 2-3 Working Days
- £3.99 on smaller orders
*timescales are estimates, excludes orders containing palletised/frozen products
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